Resilience Guide Page

How to Become More Resilient according to the research

The HeartMath® Institute has done extensive research on the power of the human heart. We provide a free resource guide on How to Become More Resilient according to the research provided from thousands of case studies.

3 Best Hacks for Resilience

Can You Build Resilience?

The short answer is yes.

It starts with the heart.

The heart has over 40,000 neurons and when activated it forms a network.

It's like it becomes a mini-brain.

What is fascinating is that the heart responds to feelings of joy, compassion or the highest emotion, gratitude, it begins to form a powerful energy signal.

That signal sends information up to our brain.

It tells our brain to slow down and drop into a lower frequency brain wave state.

When the brain slows into alpha frequencies, it starts aligning, almost magically to the rhythmic frequencies of the heart.

The heart and brain go into coherence.

When the heart and brain are in coherence the body starts a restoration process releasing special chmicals that serve to regulate the body.

This in turn reduces stress and inflammation.

The body naturally improves its functions and becomes more resilient.

The resource guide has three important steps to help bring the heart and brain into coherence and help reduce the effects of stress.

Slow down

Calm the monkey brain

Grow Your Heart

Find Resilience

Find Peace, find resilience

There is no better way to heal the body than to bring the heart and brain into coherence.

3 Best Hacks for Resilience

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