You may already know or believe that women have intuition. Undoubtedly, you have heard stories of women who seem to know things.
But if you are curious, you may ask, "Do men have intuition?"
The short answer is "yes, "but you may be amazed at just what kind of success a man would have with intuition. The idea that men can improve and develop their intuition is even more impressive.
The common understanding of intuition is that it is an ability in women.
It harkens back to the old days when women would see or sense events that had yet to happen.
Unfortunately, their intuition was associated with witchcraft.
But even in recent times, there are plenty of stories of mothers who would wake in the middle of the night worrying about their adult child who was in a far-off war on another continent. They awoke because they instinctively knew that their child was in trouble.
Countless stories exist and point to an inextricable, hidden, invisible link women have with other people they are close to.
Yet, trying to make that connection with men may seem like a stretch. It may very well be.
But men have other intangible and tangible linkages that they can utilize to know things that their five physical sentences wouldn't necessarily inform them of.
Think of a football player on defense.
Before the other team's offense runs a particular play, that defensive player may instinctively feel like they know what the play will be, so they cheat or lean in a direction in which they will be prepared for that play. And most often, they are correct.
When you ask them how did they know? ", They can't really answer the question; they say, "I just knew. " That's a form of intuition. Intuition and its use of it can show up in different ways. Many noted achievers credit the benefit and existence of intuition.
The late Steve Jobs, the former CEO of Apple, famously remarked that intuition was more powerful than intellect.
Your understanding or perception of intuition will vary from person to person, but it will be beneficial to know the different types of intuition.
Once you become aware of the different kinds of intuition, you'll begin to see that there's an excellent likelihood that men have intuition.
There are two types of intuition that are broadly used to categorize all the different applications of intuition.
The first type of intuition is local intuition.
Local intuition typically refers to gut instinct. It manifests as a sensation or a shift in the gut region of your body—people who notice that reaction will say that it is instinctual. Depending on the feeling, there may be a constricting or expansive sensation.
If the person hears or sees something for the first time, their gut instinct can be alerted in a way that is a building or uplifting kind of feeling. They remark that it is an opening sensation.
Alternatively, when they see or hear something that they feel Is disturbing, concerning, or alarming, there's a constrictive, tightening feeling in the gut area.
Many people have known about gut instinct for a long time.
Yet recently, doctors and scientists have made an exciting connection between the heart, the brain, and the gut. The heart has up to 40,000 neurons creating a mini-brain. The heart has with this mini-brain a magnetic field around it so that the magnetic field can sense things before the brain does.
What happens is the heart will have a sensation about some new piece of information, relay that up to the brain, then the brain that interprets that and sends a signal to the gut, either as a constricting or opening feeling.
It happens in a fraction of a second, and it's hard even to notice, but scientists have measured the effect on the heart. The heart then sends corresponding signals to the brain, and then the brain sends signals to the gut area where many more neurons exist, and a sensation can be felt and noticed in the gut region.
This type of intuition is called local intuition because it has happened locally in the person.
The other intuition is non-local intuition, which is a little more challenging for people. But it is very similar to the type of intuition the mother has with the child when the child is in trouble. Or when the football player knows ahead of time what play will be run by the opposing team.
Without going into too much detail, quantum physics explains the possibility of instantaneous knowing despite physical separation. How that evidences itself in the earth's physical plane can vary.
Some people will refer to it as an inner knowing they get externally. Where they get it externally from is irrelevant because each person with the ability and tendency to use non-local intuition can have that external input from different places or realms.
Spiritually speaking, non-local intuition is often called prayer or communion with the divine, communication from a deceased loved one, the still small voice, communication from the higher self, messages from angels, or many other possibilities.
In my experience as a Navy pilot, I had such communication where I was given a very clear message when my plane's engine caught on fire and exploded right at takeoff.
Normally our procedures conditioned us to change the aircraft's configuration right after takeoff quickly. And with the engine explosion and despite the chaos that ensued, I would have followed my habitual pattern of changing the aircraft configuration. Instead, right before changing the aircraft configuration, I got the message "No!"
It was a little startling to hear or gain a message like that, so I didn't change the configuration.
In hindsight, had I changed the configuration, the aircraft would have lost a significant amount of lift, and we would have descended and crashed into the ground.
There is no way I rationally would have thought through that in the chaos of the engine fire and explosion right at takeoff because the aircraft was not performing and required much attention to this to keep the airplane flying.
I assess that the message not to change the aircraft configuration was from another dimension or realm. That message was from somewhere else, and it was my intuition sensing that non-local communication.
You may decide that you might actually be able to use your intuition or may already be using it.
If that's the case, then there are ways to go about strengthening and improving the use of your intuition.
The most critical aspect of boosting your intuition is becoming more aware of what's happening around you and inside of you.
It's a discipline of being attuned to subtlety.
When you become more aware and more conscious of your personal environment, you will naturally sense the subtle changes or differences taking place. Then, when something new is presented in your environment, you can feel local changes in your body and consciousness.
Also, when we reduce stress and are more at peace in our body, we are quieting the distractions in our thinking which allows and creates an opening for the non-local inputs to come into our consciousness.
When we are distracted by stress, non-local inputs can't reach us because, typically, it is a subtle signal of information.
But our perspective enlarges when we can quiet the mind through meditation, prayer, breathing exercises, or walking with nature.
And when our perspective enlarges, we open our consciousness to be receptive to advanced or non-local ideas of information.
As with any activity where you want to improve performance, you must practice.
Just like you go to the gym to work out and improve your physical performance, endurance, or cardiovascular health, developing a practice around improving your intuition is beneficial to help you rely on your intuition more and more.
With local intuition, men will have an advantage by tuning in to not only their own emotions but the emotions of those around them whether it's in the workplace, the family, or other situations where they're in a group of people.
Tuning into other people's emotions will give them clues beyond what they are just hearing in the meaning of the words that people are saying. The feelings behind those words or telltale clues if something else is happening.
You must identify the emotions people might be expressing, like anger that something didn't work out the way they wanted it to, frustration that they didn't get a job promotion, or disappointment that their kid is failing school.
Those emotions are easily identifiable when one listens for them. Intuition comes into play by asking, after you've identified the emotion, why are they saying that?
Why are they sharing that information?
And that's where your intuition comes alive!
You've just opened the door in your consciousness to allow a non-local or local idea to answer that question of why.
Your gut instinct might tell you why they want to share that emotion with you.
Or the non-local intuition input would say what that person needs at that moment.
When you tune in to people's emotions, it becomes a figurative workout room where you can practice identifying subtle changes in your immediate environment.
You will identify subtle changes in your body or slight differences in the other person.
That information becomes more discernible; the more you do it, the more you make those observations using intuition. You begin to trust your intuition, which becomes much more reliable.
Put it into practice.
Start once a day by picking a conversation you have with someone else and see if you can identify all the emotions they might express in that conversation. Then ask yourself why they are sharing that with you.
Do this every day for 21 days, and you will be surprised, maybe even astonished, at all the things you were missing before that you are now picking up on.
This practice is not complicated; it just requires a little dedication and the benefits are that you will be using your intuition more and more and realize that it's a forgotten tool that can be very beneficial in your life from now on.
If you want to accelerate this change, I have an intuition course, or I do one-on-one training to strengthen your intuition and explore what types of intuition suit you.
I'm a Life Coach for Men and Women Entrepreneurs, helping wonderful people like you gain greater purpose and fulfillment in life so that you feel like you are making a big difference in the world.
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