Finding personal fulfillment in your job can seem like a daunting task, but it doesn’t have to be.
With the right approaches and strategies, you can find deep satisfaction in the work that you do.
When you honestly ask what is the key to personal fulfillment in your job, you begin to realize that what you need is clarity on your values and understanding how you react in the workplace.
When we are reflecting or obsessing about our job or how we feel about our job, it’s important to realize that there are two primary factors in evaluating how we think about our job.
When we can identify the external and internal factors influencing our evaluation, we can begin to know what is the key to personal fulfillment in your job.
The first way of looking at it is from an external viewpoint.
What are the influences that impact us from an external perspective?
In other words, what are the things that happen at work that impact us directly?
The other factor is the internal factor.
How we view things, how we draw conclusions, how we have an inner dialogue about recent situations, how we have relationships with coworkers and customers, or what we think of the type of work that we have.
These internal views all add up into our overall perspective of our job formed internally.
Let’s take a look at Tiffany for example:
Tiffany has been at her insurance job for 3 years and she works with 5 other coworkers and reports to a boss.
The relationship with her coworkers and with her boss can get quite uncertain at times.
Her boss doesn’t always communicate well so quite often she feels like she’s left in the dark about her job performance and about what assignments are going be coming her way.
And when she talks to her colleagues she doesn’t always get a sense from them about their understanding of where their direction lies with the company so the overwhelming feeling of those around her is one of poor communication and uncertainty those are external factors.
Her company’s communication challenge is an example of an external factor that drives how she feels about her job.
Conversely an internal factor would be something more along the lines of what Terrence experienced:
Terrence is constantly self-evaluating his performance. He’s wondering if the reports that he is expected to turn in weekly or the daily deliverables he completes are of the caliber that are satisfactory.
Like most of us, he can be his own harshest critic.
Sometimes, he feels as if his work is subpar and worries about it. To the point that it becomes a habit.
That habit leads to a preconceived idea that his work performance as evaluated by his superiors is Below their expectations.
When in fact, he doesn’t really know.
So, whatever his internal dialogue is in his head it hasn’t been reinforced by any sort of external confirmation.
Meaning, no boss or no colleague has given him feedback on his reports or deliverables.
Because of that he has no idea whether he is valued by the company. Instead, he forms his own internal conclusion about job performance and value.
Understanding what our external and internal factors are and how we react to them is the key to finding personal fulfillment at work. So what's the best way to know how we react?
We need to know our mindset.
It turns out it actually means quite a bit.
According to research from HBR, people find a greater sense of personal fulfillment when they have a more elevated set of thoughts, emotions, and behaviors.
Another way of describing our thoughts, emotions, and actions or behaviors is referred to as our core energy or our personal energy.
If we get recognized for good job performance we may logically think that we are doing a good job.
Emotionally we might feel enthusiastic because of the attention to our performance and the recognition that it’s of good quality, and we might take on the behavior of continuing to do that quality of work.
That’s a specific kind of elevated energy level or mindset from an external factor of recognition.
However, if we get negative feedback about a job performance because we turned in something later turned in something that was incorrect then we might logically assess that our work is not satisfactory.
We may feel deflated or sad or frustrated because of the unsatisfactory work.
And our behavior may be one of procrastination for the next assignment because we may feel like it’s not going to be adequate.
There is naturally a lower frequency vibration of our personal energy in this state. If we have that happen over and over again, we will have less personal fulfillment.
As you can imagine, our energy levels fluctuate throughout the day based on the different types of thoughts emotions and behaviors we take.
It makes sense then that when we have external factors, they can be a strong influence on our energy levels.
But when we don’t have external factors and we have our internal reasoning and our own factors or our own story that we tell ourselves, then that can just as easily drive our energy levels.
Our emotions that we feel are a direct result of the thoughts we think about how we might fit in at our work place.
The key to personal fulfillment in your job is finding a purpose or passion in what you do.
This may involve connecting your job with a larger goal that goes beyond just the day-to-day tasks.
It could mean aligning yourself with a cause you care about, dedicating time and energy to helping others, or finding ways to have a meaningful impact on your organization and the world.
Another approach to the key to personal fulfillment in your job is to focus on the meaningful aspects of it.
This includes setting goals aligned to your values and then working hard to achieve them.
It also includes developing relationships with colleagues, recognizing and celebrating successes, finding creative solutions for challenges, and looking for opportunities for growth in your work.
Let’s list these out in greater detail.
1. Have Some Passion:
The key to true personal fulfillment in any job is to truly love some aspect of what you do, especially when it aligns with your values.
When you are passionate about your work, it can bring you an immense sense of satisfaction and make each day that much more enjoyable.
You raise your personal energy and performance when you do this step, no matter how small an effort.
2. Find Purpose:
Everyone has a purpose in life, and making sure you have a job that helps align with that purpose is essential for personal fulfillment.
Take the time to explore different roles and industries until you find the one that fits best with your individual needs, goals, and interests.
If you feel like you need some guidance on your purpose, my PILOT Purpose in Life Operational Training system may be just the ticket you need.
3. Utilize Your Skills:
Achieving personal fulfillment in your job will involve using the skills you already possess such as problem-solving, communication, or critical thinking and applying them in ways where they add value to the organization and give back something constructive.
You will most likely feel a sense of service to others when you are aware of how your skills are helping.
4. Continuous Learning:
Continue to challenge yourself to learn new skills or thought patterns that could help improve how you tackle tasks on the job while at the same time pushing yourself out of your comfort zone so every day isn’t mundane but also excitingly different.
Consider getting yourself a life coach who can help level up your mindset and raise your personal energy into a higher state of performance and satisfaction.
5. Connect With Colleagues:
Interacting with colleagues is not only crucial for professional growth.
It also significantly assists in creating a great team atmosphere that encourages collaboration instead of competition within the workplace where everyone can play their part happily without taking themselves too seriously.
It reduces our sense of separation or feeling alone in our work journey.
6. Share Ideas:
Each person brings a unique skill set and experiences they’ve gathered over their lifetime.
So, use those talents and insights in helping shape conversations around ideas.
Even if nobody seems open to them because frequently, what was initially dismissed later becomes implemented on a larger scale when presented from another angle or person altogether.
7. Believe In Yourself:
Believe in yourself and surround yourself with people who also believe in you, whether friends, family, coworkers, or mentors.
It uplifts your vibration and personal energy when you are surrounded by others who inspire, nurture, and help us.
When all else fails, rely on those positive influences to carry you through anything trying times that may come up during your profession journey toward true personal fulfillment.
With these seven steps, you are likelier to have found and used the key to personal fulfillment in your job.
Get quiet and devote yourself to understanding the 7 steps and how they relate in your job situation. You will begin identifying when and what makes you happy and fulfilled.
If you are still unsure about purpose and job fulfillment, check out this personal and spiritual growth article.
We are all one.
We become more fulfilled when we know how we fit into that oneness.
If you still need help feeling fulfilled, schedule a personal fulfillment call.
I'm a Life Coach for Men and Women Entrepreneurs, helping wonderful people like you gain greater purpose and fulfillment in life so that you feel like you are making a big difference in the world.
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