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How Your Subconscious Relates to Your Business

When we run a business, we’re faced with a lot of inputs and need to make sense of them. We have so much coming at us throughout the day and on throughout the year.  We can be consciously aware of these inputs or we subconsciously assess them. Or we even miss them.  

What is crucial is how we assess these factors and inputs. To put it simply, when we are fully conscious of decisions we have to make, we typically make a calculated choice over the best course of action to handle the inputs. We might hear our inventory is dropping. Or we might here that there’s a longer backlog to our supply chain. These inputs can be come issues in running our business and so we focus pretty naturally on doing something about them. We are fully conscious of the inputs and set plans in place to address them.

However, when the inputs are smaller or they happen frequently, we begin to subconsciously assess them.  There is a big danger to small business owners when we do this. If we are getting continual negative, small inputs, we will have a tendency to accept the idea that this experience is normal, continuous, and expected. We reprogram our neural nets in our brain over time to become more hard-wired that these negative inputs are constant. We subconsciously have accepted the ideas that the negative is more permanent. Our business will now be trending in the wrong direction and get to a point where it does more lasting damage. It sneaks up on us and hits us at the wrong time in a big way.
The best way a business owner can overcome the continual negative inputs from being stored subconsciously in our brain is to:
1.    Become aware of the smaller inputs
2.    Ask yourself does the input or could the input(s) bother you
3.    If they do, ask where will it lead (creates consciousness)
4.    Reframe the challenge as an opportunity or
5.    Take action to mitigate, handle, or delegate to subordinates to handle

A CEO has a lot coming at them throughout the day. A wise and more supernatural leader will be more aware of their own thoughts, the large and the small ones. They will rise in consciousness to better handle the subtle and hidden challenges they face.

Click “HERE” to have a great conversation with Michael today.

Written By Michael Sipe
C. 2021 Michael Sipe LLC All Rights Reserved



Hi, I'm Michael

I'm a Life Coach for Men and Women Entrepreneurs, helping wonderful people like you gain greater purpose and fulfillment in life so that you feel like you are making a big difference in the world.

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