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Teamwork Comes with Anabolic Energy

Your team needs positive energy to deal with all the stressors in the work place.

Each and every one of us is a leader. How well you lead depends on your level of consciousness, or energy. Higher levels of anabolic energy are associated with more effective leadership. Anabolic energy is building energy, and whether in the workplace or at home, great leaders build relationships, teams, families, and businesses. Catabolic energy, on the other hand, is destructive, and catabolic leaders destroy and break down everything around them.

In the next few issues of the Vitality-Factor newsletter, we’ll take a look at the characteristics of anabolic and catabolic leaders to show you how you can become the leader that you want to be.

Let’s look first at the overall style of the catabolic leader. A catabolic leader manages. The definition of “manage” is “to handle, direct, govern, or control in action or use,” and “to dominate or influence.” Catabolic leaders control others. They tell others what to do, and how to do it. The catabolic leader, in keeping control, keeps the other people in the relationship in a non-powerful position - and then most likely complains to everyone around that “I can’t seem to find good help,” and “no one does things as well as I do.”  

An anabolic leader, on the other hand, leads. The definition of “lead” – “to go before or with to show the way,” and “to guide in direction, course, and action” sounds supportive and empowering, and it is. The anabolic leader doesn’t control and doesn’t push people, but instead, inspires them by words, action, and by personal example.   

A foundation principles states that “Each of us is each greater and wiser than we appear to be.” Anabolic leaders realize this, and thus, don’t feel the need to tell people what to do, as they realize that everyone has their own answers and gifts.

Last month we discussed catabolic and anabolic responses to being faced with a task or something to do. When a catabolic leader TELLS or DEMANDS that someone do something, most likely, they will respond catabolically – “I won’t,” “I have to,” or “I need to.” When an anabolic leader REQUESTS that someone do something, or ASKS for someone’s input on a project, they’re much more likely to respond with the anabolic “I want to” or “I choose to.” The more anabolic the leader, the greater the probability of success in the task.

This month, as you interact with those around you, think about how much more of an anabolic leader you could be if you led, instead of managed.

#businessvitality #empathy #anabolic #catabolic #connectedleaders

Click “HERE” to have a great conversation with Michael today.

Written By Michael Sipe
C. 2021 Michael Sipe LLC All Rights Reserved



Hi, I'm Michael

I'm a Life Coach for Men and Women Entrepreneurs, helping wonderful people like you gain greater purpose and fulfillment in life so that you feel like you are making a big difference in the world.

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